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- Contributor is exactly "City of Coralville"
Governor Chet Culver shakes the hand of city councilor Tom Gill at a groundbreaking ceremony for the First Avenue Corridor Recovery and Protection…
Mayor Jim Fausett stands near center as a line of city council members and city residents use golden shovels to dig at the ground breaking ceremony…
Cyclist Lance Armstrong stands on a stage with Mayor Jim Fausett and Kirk Ferentz, the University of Iowa Head Footcall Coach. Fausett and Armstrong…
In 2009, Coralville, Iowa City, and North Liberty became one of the six finalists selected to join Iowa's Great Places program. The program, which was…
Mayor Jim Fausett and President George W. Bush shake hands amidst a crowd of people. The United States president visited Coralville, Iowa City, and…
The ribbon cutting ceremony of the new GEICO (Government Employee Insurance Company) was attended by Warren Buffet (second to the left), Mayor Jim…
New Mayor Jim Fausett and city officials open the beginning of road renovations along Highway 6 (Walch, p. 59). Fausett stands on the right, holding a…
Mayor Jim Fausett holds the reins of a team of horses during the annual 4thFest parade through Coralville. American flags and city residents line 8th…
City workers sit around a table working. The central focus is on a woman looking down at papers in front of her; a person stands behind her chair to…
Citizens are encouraged to take an online assessment to determine risk of exposure to COVID-19. Those who qualify for a test through the online…
Masks, Face Shield and Social Distancing Requested in Coralville. Mayor John A. Lundell issued a proclamation on July 14, 2020, recognizing the…
A community gathering was held on Sunday, June 7 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm in S.T. Morrison Park in Coralville to reflect, heal, and learn how to take…
Assembling the new play equipment to be installed in Kiddie Korral Park 8th St. and 12th Ave. Coralville
Building of new play structures and equipment for Kiddie Korral Park in Coralville, Iowa
A proclamation by Coralville Mayer John Lundell, regarding face masks, following an increase in COVID-19 cases in Coralville and the surrounding…
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds issued a Proclamation of Public…
A public health graphic to encourage Coralville citizens to protect themselves and the community against the spread of COVID-19.
Text from Facebook…
A Coralville snowplow clearing streets following a snow storm in December 2020.
Text from Facebook post:
Snow removal update:
-Crews continue to…
An infographic to illustrate how snowplows move snow along the street and block driveways and sidewalks. citizens are responsible for removing snow…
A call for applicants to serve on a new Citizen's Community Policing Advisory Board that was formed to collaborate with the City of Coralville and the…