Browse Items (93 total)
- Source is exactly "Walch, T. (2015) Images of America: Coralville. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing."
Coralville city streets crew working to plow city streets and country roads following a snow storm in 1936.
Two men survey Highway 6 west of Coralville along the CRANDIC railroad line that runs between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. A horse and carriage pass…
The road from Coralville, Iowa to the Sanitorium in Oakdale near by. It was the first road to be surfaced with gravel to accommodate the popularity of…
County and road officials stand at the water's edge at the flooded Curtis Bridge that crosses the Iowa River northwest of Coralville, Iowa. The area…
A horse and farm wagon pass an automobile on Oakdale Road. Oakdale Road which ran between Iowa City, Coralville and Oxford was one of the first roads…
A photograph of the Coralville Post Office. The building is two stories and looks to be built with concrete blocks. The actual post office appears to…
The street sign of the Blue Top Motel, alongside 5th Street. Made of wood with a small, shingled roof, the sign reads:
"Blue Top Motel
Cable - TV…
Irving Weber, Grand Marshal for the 1984 Fourth Fest parade, rides in the back of a Mercedes convertible. Irving Weber was a prominent figure in the…
Smoky the Bear rides on the Coralville Fire Engine in Coralville's annual Fourth Fest Parade.
The Optimist International float in a Coralville Fourth Fest Parade. (year unknown)
Two unknown Coralville residents recreate the iconic American Gothic painting by Iowa artist Grant Wood for their Fourth Fest float.
A blacksmith stood in his shop in Coralville, Iowa. Possibly the shop of Christian Korn who owned a blacksmith shop behind City Hall on First Ave.…
A photograph of the Jacob J. Hotz Ice Company employees. About forty men stand on the frozen Iowa River and on the top of train cars in the back of…
The marker, a large granite boulder with a bronze plaque honoring the Mormon handcart pioneers, stands today at Coralville's St. Morrison Park north…
Taken from behind the batter, this image shows a boy preparing his bat to swing. Another boy can be seen on at the pitcher's spot, arm in the air but…
Ethel Jaynes, a Coralville student, stands facing away from the camera at the baseball game in front of her. Her left hand fitted into a glove and her…
Two students run along the fields that stood behind and to the south of the Coralville Central School. These fields were often used for recreational…
Six young children squint their eyes as they peer forward; four gaze directly at the camera while two others have their attention on a person or…
The junior high boy's basketball ball team line up for a photograph in their team uniforms. The boys in the front row kneel, basketballs under their…
A ticket listing a single election choice to fill the political seats of the city of Coralville. Elections were held annually in March from 1874-1953;…