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  • Subject is exactly "4thFest"

A 4thFest parade float featuring the members of the American Legion-Walter Johnson Post #721. The men sit on hay bales and hold small American…

A photograph of the front of the 1876 schoolhouse. Men and women gather on the front steps and along the sidewalk. Two guards stand in front, guns in…

Left to right, Library Director Jean Schwab, Pauline Lovetinsky, & Frances Rogers stand by the convertible they rode during the 1990 4thFest Parade in…

Mayor Jim Fausett holds the reins of a team of horses during the annual 4thFest parade through Coralville. American flags and city residents line 8th…

The Optimist International float in a Coralville Fourth Fest Parade. (year unknown)

Richard Hughes rings the bell on the front steps of the 1876 Coralville schoolhouse as a part of a ceremony that rededicated the building as a museum…

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