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  • Subject is exactly "Flags--United States"

A man raises the American flag in front of the newly dedicated Johnson County Heritage Museum. In the background, viewers hold their right hands over…

A group of women and children dressed in historical costumes on a Daughters of the American Revolution Pilgrim Chapter parade float with the theme…

A group of Army service members dressed in camouflage carry a 20' x 30' American flag in the Fourth of July parade.

Veterans smile from their seats on a patriotically decorated parade float in the 1991 parade.

A woman holding a young child points at the passing Fourth of July parade.

A child holding a balloon and flag watches the parade go by.

Cub Scouts from Troop #207 and veterans from the US Armed Forces stand together, holding military branch flags, on a parade float.

Two girls sit on the back of a car in the Fourth of July parade.

A woman and three girls sit on the curb watching the Fourth of July parade.

People sit on the curb watching the Fourth of July parade.

A group of children dressed as firefighters walk in the Fourth of July parae. Two of them are driving a toy fire engine.

A large group of adults and children outfitted in Forever Green garden center t-shirts sit on concrete garden benches and planters. One man is in…

Coralville Mayor Kattchee waves a hat in one hand and an American flag in the other from the back of a 1975 Buick.

Johnson County Sheriff's Department Explorer Post 521 members carry a 20' x 30' American flag.

Cub Scouts from Pack #270 walk in the Fourth of July parade.

Mayor Kattchee waves an American flag out the window of a city truck.

A member of Moose Lodge 1096, sitting on a parade float, smiles at the camera while waving an American flag.

A "Back to School" themed parade float for the Coralville Hy-Vee.

Cedar County farmer Bob Milder rides a 1943 Ll John Deere tractor in the Fourth of July parade.

Ricky Wells rides in a small toy fire engine in the Fourth of July parade. Other children, waving American flags, walk behind him.

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