Coralville Centennial Cookbook, 1873 - 1973

Dublin Core


A cookbook made up of recipes gathered from community members to celebrate Coralville's centennial in 1973.

The following people contributed recipes:

A. Antes
Addy Dennis
Adeline Brooks
Aileen Kron
Alice M. Wieneke
Amelia Bruner
Ardath Jagnow
Ardys Cota
Arnie Bartels
Barb Fairchild
Bea Tipton
Beth Vetter
Betty Thomas
Carol Lewis
Connie Rummelhart
Darlene Bellamy
Della Van Kirk
Dorothy Samuel
Dorothy Schneider
Dorothy White Wilson
Elaine Matt
Ferris Boya
Florence O'Connor
Gen Martinek
Gertrude Vacik
Helen Seeber
Hilma Bloomquist
Imie Goss
Irene Petersen
J. Antes
Jackie Skriver
Jan Bywater
Jane Jacobsen
Jerry Clayton
Jo Beers
Joan Molloy
Juanita Vetter
Judith Curry
Judy Morgan
Julia Lyon
Linda Hobbs
Liz Baxa
Lois White
Louise Cheney
Mabel Monson
Marg Harris
Margaret Leeney
Marilyn Swails
Mary Monson
Marylou Gatens
Mildred Knoke
Mrs. Bruce (Katie) Beasley
Mrs. Clarence Wilson
Mrs. Elsie Spear
Mrs. Elwyn Pearsom
Mrs. Ernest Schwab
Mrs. Frank Peters
Mrs. George Vacik
Mrs. George Warran Smith
Mrs. Grace Crowley
Mrs. Helen Goodell
Mrs. Jack Fesler
Mrs. Jack Hinze
Mrs. Jim Soukup
Mrs. Kevin Satterly
Mrs. Laverne Barnes
Mrs. Naomi Dvorsky
Mrs. Oscar Stimmel
Mrs. Pat Skay
Mrs. Richard Kron
Mrs. Richard Petrak
Mrs. Rose Kron
Mrs. Rush Dennis
Myrna Granger
Nadine Hain
Olive E. White
Pat Shay
Pearl Francis
Peggy Wilson
Roy Skriver
Ruth Wissink
Toni A. Turkle
Valerie Schwab
Vera Russell
Vivian Skriver
W. B. Kennedy, O.D.
W. Martinek
Wilma Albaugh


Coralville Public Library. Coralville Digital History Library.




Educational use only, no other permissions given.







Coralville, Iowa


“Coralville Centennial Cookbook, 1873 - 1973,” Coralville Digital History Library, accessed September 16, 2024,

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