Rehab Karar Oral History Interview

Dublin Core



Rehab's story was incredibly powerful. The first few moments of the interview she was admittedly nervous. However, after a few minutes, she settled into the interview and began telling amazing stories. The story that will stick with me the longest is her telling me about how she faced employment discrimination when she tried applying for a job at Wal-Mart. While they initially refused to hire her due to the Wal-Mart managers believing she would not be able to touch pork as the checkout counter as a Muslim woman, Rehab reassured them she could and would do that. She viewed this moment as her standing up for her rights as a person, a lesson she is conscious to teach her children as she navigates being a mother in a time of heightened islamophobia.


“Rehab Karar Oral History Interview,” Coralville Digital History Library, accessed April 28, 2024,

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