Images of America: Coralville, Iowa
Dublin Core
Descriptions for each image were written by Rachel Black and Wendy Stevenson using information from the donors and the primary sources listed below. If users of this database have additional information about the images or notice discrepancies, they are encouraged to reach out to the Coralvillle Digital History Library.
A special thank you to Timothy Walch, Allison Ames Galstad, Ellen Hampe Alexander, Rex Brandstatter, Wendy Stevenson, and all of our donors.
This collection currently contains 297 items. To access all items in this collection, please click here.
Ancestry Library is a genealogical collection of databases created out of a partnership between ProQuest and for the use of library patrons. The databases include federal censuses, military draft cards and enlistment records, directories, records of birth, marriage, divorce, and death, and much more. Coralville Public Library patrons can access Ancestry Library through the library website. In library use only.
The Coralville Courier was a weekly newspaper that began publishing in Coralville, Iowa on November 27, 1968 and was delivered to over 2,500 homes and businesses in the Coralville area. The last publication occurred in October of 1982. The Coralville Courier can now be found on microfilm at the Coralville Public Library. Digitized copies can also be found through this link:
Richard P. Horwitz, an American Studies professor and consultant, wrote The Strip: An American Place in order to examine both the people and landscapes associated with business strips. Set in Coralville, Iowa, from the years 1978-1982, Horwitz interviews employees at the Carousel, Millie from Diamond Mil's Lounge, and Ermal Loghry from Loghry's. Photographs in this book were taken by Karin E. Becker. Copies of the The Strip can be found at the Coralville Public Library.
All photographs taken by Karin Becker for this project have been given this citation, regardless if the photograph was printed in the book or not.
The Iowa City Press-Citizen is a newspaper local to Iowa City, Iowa; generations of citizens living in Coralville, Iowa has subscribed to this paper, as well. It was formed in 1920 when two newspapers merged: the Democratic Iowa State Press, which began printing in 1860, and the Republican Iowa City Citizen, which was founded in 1891. A digital collection of articles dated from the 1890s to current day exists on the Iowa City Press-Citizen website; users can access these for a subscription fee. A second collection of articles that range from November 2002 to current day can be accessed through the Iowa City Public Library.
Users of the Coralville Digital History Library may note an asterisk (*) behind Iowa City Press-Citizen article citations listed in the Sources of individual photographs. This indicates a physical copy of the article can be found in scrapbooks put together by Coralville Public Library volunteer Marilyn Jensen. These scrapbooks, due to their fragile condition, are stored at the Coralville Public Library with limited access. They are not available for check-out.
Pauline Lovetinsky, Frances Rogers, Vera Russell, and Jean Schwab, librarians from the Coralville Public Library, compiled and edited Lest We Forget in celebration of the City of Coralville's centennial in 1973. The book contains information about the early history and pioneers of Coralville, essays about how different businesses and social groups formed, and short histories about families who lived in Coralville.
Joan Reuman compiled this history on the Iowa Firefighters Memorial, located in Coralville, Iowa. The book include a timeline of events from the conception to the creation of the memorial, as well as brief vignettes on memorial services, death notices for firefighters across Iowa, and poems. This resource includes a DVD and is available for check out at the Coralville Public Library.
Historian Timothy Walch wrote and compiled this photo history of Coralville, Iowa with help from Rex Brandstatter, the Johnson County Historial Society, the Coralville Public Library, and numerous community donors. This book acted as the impetus for the creation of the Coralville Digital History Library. Images of America: Coralville is available for check out at the Coralville Public Library. Copies can also be purchased at the circulation desk.
All photographs that are included in Walch's book have this citation listed in Sources.
Author and photographer Lois Wiederrecht-Finke worked in partnership with Blue Top Motel owners Larry and Judy Smith to create this history and memoir of the Blue Top Motel in Coralville, Iowa. This book can be found at the Johnson County Historical Society Museum and the Coralville Public Library.
TIFF versions of most photographs are available for researchers and students upon request.
Collection Items
A formal portrait of Frank and Cora (Demory) Alwine on their wedding day.
Frank Alwine was born March 27, 1868 near North Liberty, Iowa. Cora was…
A family portrait of Frank Alwine, his wife Cora, and three of their four children.
Front row, left to right: Frank Alwine, Dorothy (Alwine)…
A wedding photograph of two couples: on the left, Clarence & Ruth (Wade) Alwine, and on the right, Ben & Dorothy (Alwine) Schneider.
Clarence was…
The family home of Frank and Cora (Demory) Alwine. The two-storied house was north of Coralville when purchased, but is now addressed 704 First…
Brothers Robert and Donald Bender pose in formal suits in front of their home. Near the bottom of the photograph, the words "Bob + Don" are written in…
A photograph of Benjamin W. and Samantha Ann (Poland) with their four children, taken outside. Also pictured is Zella (Mathes) Bowers, who married A.…
The family home of Benjamin W. and Samantha Ann (Poland) Bowers. The couple raised their four children and their niece Ethel M. Poland in this house…
A photograph of the Bowers family, taken on the front porch of the William Bowers home.
Back row, left to right: Emma (Bowers) Cropley, Miriam…
A formal portrait of William Hamilton Bowers and Miriam Reeve on their wedding day. They were married on August 2, 1902.
William H. Bowers was born…
The family home of William and Miriam (Reeves) Bower. In 1917, William and his father Benjamin bought a shared plot of 200 acres next to the Iowa…
Genevieve (Nagle) Brandstatter sits behind a wooden chair, holding daughter June (b. 1921). On the chair, her son Erwin (b. 1919) and oldest daughter…
The family home of Joseph A. and Genevieve (Nagle) Brandstatter at 509 Sixth Avenue.
Joseph and Genevieve purchased three lots from Bert Manville…
The back yard of the house belonging to J.A. and Genevieve (Nagle) Brandstatter. A shed can be seen attached to several fenced off enclosures. These…
Joseph and Genevieve (Nagle) Brandstatter stand in the driveway by their home. They both wear long coats and hats.
The couple was married in 1915…
A formal photograph of Coralville residents Joseph & Genevieve (Nagle) Brandstatter.
Joseph "Brandy" Brandstatter managed rural circulation for…
A photograph of Edwin and Mary (Utterback) Bryant in their living room. Mary sits in a chair with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders while Edwin…
Albert O. Carlton leans against a doorway to a brick building in what looks to be an alleyway. Both hands in his pockets, he wears a three piece suit…
John Huff sits astride on his new motorcycle wearing googles and gloves; his wife Mamie (Huffman) Huff sits in a sidecar next to him on First Avenue…
Family members of the Carlton-Huffman family sit and stand around a family vehicle. Brother and sister Albert and Alice sit on the side of the car…
Five young cousins of the Carlton-Huffman family pose together around a tree stump. They appear to be behind a house, likely the family one on First…